
Showing posts from July, 2022

Running Gait Analysis & Assessments In London

The system will give you specific strength and conditioning exercises to target those ‘sweet spots’. Also, if you’re not running in the most beneficial way, the technology will show this and you can work with a rep to tweak your running style, so you can find out how to gain maximum output from minimum input. Our R&D Physio clinics in Vauxhall, Harley Street, Trent Park and Northwood are best positioned to help you with all your running-related injuries and niggles. We have developed our own running assessment which looks at all the variables which will help you become a faster, stronger, more efficient and injury-free runner. Tell your running specialist what you would like to achieve, whether that be improving your running performance or rehabilitation of a running injury. Our Running & Gait assessments are designed to help you reach your goals, whether you are preparing for a marathon, your first 5K run or if you've just started running for the first time. We welcome